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房地产 物业


公司规模:100 - 499人


S+E CHINA 由创建于1922年的德国著名工程公司 SIEGLE+EPPLE 集团于2005年在中国上海投资成立。2009年 S+E CHINA 加入德国JBH国际控股企业集团。S+E CHINA 早在1999年便在中国开展业务,在工程承包和项目管理上拥有丰富的经验,在中国大陆不同地区承建了许多富有挑战性的复杂的项目,为来自世界各地的客户提供了从普通机械加工到复杂的高科技工厂的全方位工业工程建造的服务。
自1999年成功完成上海大众汽车项目以来,S+E CHINA 已为许多知名的跨国公司在中国完成了许多复杂的和极具挑战性的工业项目。作为在中国独立运作的、具有德资背景的专业工程公司,S+E CHINA 秉承其德国企业的优良传统,并不断开拓,在工业项目工程领域中,特别是在生产工艺对生产环境有着特殊要求的工程技术领域里拥有丰富的经验,在业界有着良好的口碑。S+E CHINA 拥有由德国工程专家、国家注册建造师、注册造价师、高级工程师、安全工程师、质量控制工程师、商务专家等项目管理与技术人员组成的专业团队,致力于为来自于世界各地在中国谋求发展与扩张的企业提供完善的工程服务。

S+E CHINA was set up in Shanghai, China in 2005 by the well-known German engineering company group SIEGLE+EPPLE, which was founded in 1922 in Stuttgart, Germany. In 2009 S+E CHINA joined the enterprise group JBH HOLDING. S+E CHINA is specialized in project handlings service such as turn-key contracting, general contracting, planning, design, procurement, construction, commissioning and management in China. S+E CHINA works with related authorities in many regions in China closely. In the past years S+E CHINA has achieved many difficult and challenging industrial projects, from mechanical manufactories to complex hi-tech factories for the local and global clients in China.
After the successful completion of the project by VW Shanghai in 1999 S+E CHINA has achieved further more industrial projects for some well-known international clients in China. That urges S+E CHINA to be in a unique position in China with in-house capability to provide clients with “full service” solutions, specialized in clean room technology and other related process utilities. S+E CHINA is made up of a professional project handlings team for planning, design, construction and management including senior engineers, project managers, budgeting and commercial specialists, EHS engineers, site supervisors and etc.. All of that give S+E CHINA confidence to provide optimum on project handlings service for local and global clients in China.



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